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Procurement e-learning with an interactive digital mentor

Equip your team with the most advanced and engaging e-learning experience in Procurement negotiation.

Meet Harini, our digital mentor
Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

Give your team access to the most interactive e-learning in Procurement.

Our AI-powered platform offers interactive modules that adapt to each learner’s progress, ensuring comprehensive understanding and retention of essential negotiation concepts.

Learner’s can put their new skills into practice in real time against an AI powered sales avatar in a business-specific negotiation scenario, getting quantitative & qualitative feedback on every negotiation to complete the Learn, Practice, Feedback loop.

Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

Learn strategies & tactics

The curriculum covers fundamental negotiation tactics, advanced strategic decision-making, supplier relationship management, cost optimization, and ethical procurement practices.

Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

Practice negotiating in real time

By integrating case studies and real-world examples, the curriculum provides practical insights and applications, making the learning experience relevant and impactful.

Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

Get live 1-to-1 coaching from Harini

Harini is our AI powered digital learning mentor, she guides learners through every stage of LavenirAI’s comprehensive e-learning.

Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

Give your teams access to truly engaging training content

LavenirAI’s interactive learning content includes mixed content types to keep learners engaged and enhance the learning experience by making it more practical and relevant.

Real-time interactions with AI sales avatars allow for hands-on practice and application of learned concepts in a controlled, risk-free environment. This dynamic approach ensures that learners can immediately see the impact of their decisions and strategies.

Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

1-to-1 training with an AI-powered digital mentor

Users can interact with Harini in real time, asking for clarification, checking their understanding and getting more information.

  • Ask for help during learning
  • Get feedback on ideas
  • Clarify complex concepts
Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI
Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

Allow users to choose their pace and areas of focus with personalized learning paths

LavenirAI is adaptable based on the skill levels and learning speeds of your individual Procurement team members. They can revisit modules, ask the AI powered mentor for more support, take and re-take assessments or break away from the learning to try a realtime negotiation against an AI powered sales avatar.

Throughout the experience, learner’s receive the appropriate level of challenge and support with immediate detailed feedback, helping learners identify their strengths and areas for improvement. 

Users can access LavenirAI anywhere, anytime

Our cloud-based platform ensures that your team can access LavenirAI from any location, at any time, through their browser and internet connection, with no software to download.

This flexibility is crucial for accommodating the varying schedules and time constraints of your team members across the globe. It also significantly reduces cyber security risks as there is no access to customers’ systems.

Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI
Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

Travel-free training

Gone is the need for environmentally impactful travel to training away days. Whether they are in the office, at home, or on the go, they can continue their training without interruption.

LavenirAI is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, ensuring that even those with limited technical skills can easily navigate and use LavenirAI.

Introducing the LavenirAI Negotiation Framework

Our own bespoke model for successful negotiations

A bespoke strategy, meticulously from decades of combined Procurement experience and designed to give your team a strategic edge, this model encompasses a series of proprietary techniques and methodologies that remain exclusive to our platform.

Emphasizing a deep understanding of negotiation dynamics, our model ensures that your organization not only competes but excels in the competitive landscape of procurement negotiation. The model advocates for dynamic adaptability, enabling your team to respond to evolving situations with agility and precision.

Interactive e-Learning LavenirAI

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